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Week 14

Double Bank Holidays, great for long weekends, confusing for the following work week - especially during the current lockdown mindset. "No, I did that yesterday, on Monday", "but today is Wednesday", "No, today is Tuesday!", oops! I lost track of days (again)!

I can't wait for that bloomin' haircut!

My knee has been recovering this past week, still taking it easy, doesn't ache when I bend it now.

We had really odd weather last week, given it was so sunny over the Easter weekend, by Tuesday there were hailstorms - thought it was going to snow at one point.

Finally released an update for my Umbraco plugin, Contentment v1.3.0! Some new features and bug fixes. Since enabling the telemetry statistics, I've been enjoying seeing which features are being used, (and maybe more interestingly, which are not).

Thursday was back to the dentist for impressions... "uh huh, hulo, my name is Lee." 🤦‍♂️ My dentist tells me that the impressions will be sent off to Sweden for the crown modelling, that'll take between 3 to 6 weeks. Couldn't help but wonder if Brexit had any impact on those timescales. 🤷‍♂️

Ah, Friday, the next letter day in Alphabet Albums. We're up to "H" now... Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland, Nick Heyward - The Apple Bed, and PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love.

KK has now finished watching WandaVision. There are couple of things that I had to subtly prepare her for, e.g. she hadn't seen any of the X-Men movies, and I didn't want the Pietro re-cast to go over her head, so I put a few YouTube clips of cool scenes from X-Men: Days of Future Past, (with no real explanation), then when the reveal happened in the WandaVision episode she was like "wait a minute!" 😆 ...and Agatha All Along has been stuck in our heads for days!

She's now pushing to watch Falcon and Winter Soldier, but I'm pushing back for a couple of weeks, too much MCU!

Saturday family movie night was LL's choice... Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. More of the movie franchises, we're enjoying them, but they're all blurring into one for me now! (For any regular readers may have spotted that it shouldn't have been LL's turn to pick, we goofed up, it should have been KK's turn, eek, doh!)

Rest of the weekend, we've been out in the garden again. Time to get my hedge cut! (cue "Every Time A Bell Rings").